660A0228 INDICATIC AIP coorganiza LATINCOM Panama 2023

Panama, November 17, 2023. The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies (INDICATIC AIP) in collaboration with the Communications Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers of Latin America (ComSoc IEEE) and the Technological University of Panama (UTP), co-organized the Latin American Communications Conference (IEEE LATINCOM 2023).

More than 100 experts in telecommunications and academia gathered from November 15 to 17 in Panama to learn about the latest trends and innovations in the field of technology, share research and experiences.

"The different topics that were discussed in the conference sessions are of great importance and of enormous interest to INDICATIC AIP. As a research institute we can originate new projects and research that are oriented to the needs raised and that favor Panama," said Dr. Philippe Aniorté, director of INDICATIC AIP.

Among the topics addressed during the conference were Big Data, Machine Learning, 5G AND 6G Technology, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Telecommunications.

At the closing of IEEE LATINCOM, the INDICATIC AIP received a certificate of recognition for its contribution to the realization of this international event, which was accepted by the director of the institute.

IEEE LATINCOM is the most outstanding conference in the technology industry in Latin America and this year was attended by professionals from the United States, France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Brazil, among others. It also received the support of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Senacyt), the Instituto Técnico Superior Especializado (ITSE), Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica S.A. (ETESA), Panamá Vive por Más (PROMTUR PANAMA), IEEE Panama Section, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies AIP is a public interest association whose vision is to become a national and international center of excellence and a reference for the Latin American region in generating ICT technology.

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