Panama como generador de sistemas digitales INDICATIC AIP

Panamá, 28 de septiembre de 2023. As part of the month of engineering, INANDES, the professional chapter of Industrial Engineering belonging to Uniandinos, and UNIANDINOS, the alumni association of the Universidad de los Andes, both from neighboring Colombia, organized the virtual panel "Key Digital Inclusion in Digital Transformation" of the chapter of Artificial Intelligence and Innovation applied to Engineering.

This panel brought together leading experts and professionals in the field of technology and education. Dr. Philippe Aniorté, director of INDICATIC AIP led the panel, highlighting the crucial importance of digital inclusion in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4RI).

The Fourth Revolution, with its holistic approach from autonomic computing to Intelligent Systems, redefines the human-machine relationship and demands new competencies in contexts of digital development and transformation. The transition to the Industry 4.0 era has affected all sectors, making digital inclusion crucial for relevant adaptation. The virtual panel focused on the educational impact on digital inclusion, presenting alternatives to develop digital competencies in STEM students, highlighting the importance of collaboration between academia and industry.

Amidst reflections on digital transformation, Dr. Aniorté shared an insightful vision: "In this digital era, collaboration between academia and industry is not just an option, it is the master key to unlock the potential of young minds and move towards an inclusive and technologically equitable future".

The director of INDICATIC AIP highlighted connectivity as an educational tool, proposing the implementation of satellite internet and the use of mobile telepresence robots to improve the accessibility and quality of education in rural environments. He also emphasized how data analytics transforms the management of educational processes, favoring student success by optimizing processes, making informed decisions, and making predictions. According to Dr. Aniorté, "Data analytics basically allows us to optimize processes, make decisions, and make predictions. It can also be used to guide university careers because it accompanies students during their education by reinforcing subjects while personalizing the graduate's profile".

The panel not only served as a space for dissemination of INDICATIC AIP activities, but also facilitated networking with actors from countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica, and France, promoting international collaboration in the field of digital inclusion and educational transformation. Dr. Aniorté's participation and valuable insights contributed significantly to the enrichment of the debate and the exploration of innovative solutions in the digital transformation landscape.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies AIP is a public interest association whose vision is to become a national and international center of excellence and a reference for the Latin American region in generating ICT technology.

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