Conferencia 1 La ingenieria como motor de la transicion energetica
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Dr. Philippe Aniorté in his first keynote presentation in Colombia.

Panama October 23, 2023. Within the framework of the first International Symposium entitled "The Role of Engineering in the Future of the Energy Transition", the Faculty of Engineering of ECCI University (formerly known as the Colombian School of Industrial Careers) in Colombia extended a cordial invitation to the INDICATIC AIP.

The objective of the Symposium was to present by representatives of industry, government and academia, the progress, and challenges in the implementation of the energy transition, from the point of view of policies and technical challenges for the production and storage of energy, as well as its efficient and sustainable consumption by the industrial and transport sectors.

Interventions by INDICATIC AIP were led by Dr. Philippe Aniorté, director of the institute. His contributions were focused on two keynote presentations: Energy transition in the country's mobility and transportation: the role of alternative energies and the adaptation of conventional energies, and Energy transition in the country's industrial development: a challenge or an opportunity for Colombia, through the presentation "Energy transition: intelligent cyber-physical systems to assist in decision making and training".

In addition to two lectures and his accompaniment in various academic activities with professors and students of the engineering program. During his stay in Colombia, Dr. Aniorté visited the Universidad de los Andes, gave several interviews in important Colombian media such as RCN, shared several working meetings with top educational authorities, and received awards for his outstanding participation in the symposium.

The international symposium was held from October 18 to 21 of this year in the city of Bogota and brought together various specialists, government leaders, academics and professionals in different areas of engineering to share their experiences and vision regarding sustainable energy and the future of energy in Colombia and the entire region.


The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies AIP is a public interest association whose vision is to become a national and international center of excellence and a reference for the Latin American region in generating ICT technology.

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