IMG 1554 XIX Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia INDICATIC AIP scaled
CategoriesScientific articles Press releases

Humberto Alvarez, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Vice-Dean of Research, Graduate Studies, and Extension at UTP and Dr. Philippe Aniorté, Director of INDICATIC AIP.

Panama, September 28, 2023. The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies (INDICATIC AIP) participated in the XIX National Congress of Science and Technology (APANAC 2023), Panama: "The hub of science", held from September 26 to 29 at the Marriot Panama Hotel Albrook Mall.

With the objective of exchanging national and international experiences, establishing cooperation alliances and Research + Development + Innovation (R+D+i) work, as well as technological knowledge, INDICATIP AIP held the plenary conference “From Industry 4.0 to Smart Cyber Physical Systems: new challenges”.

"The aim was to present the frame of reference, INDICATIC's lines of research, i.e. the engineering of intelligent systems based on connected environments, and the processing of the numerous data generated by these systems (Big Data). These are fundamental points in the digital transformation that is impacting the country and the world in general", said Dr. Philippe Aniorté, director of INDICATIC AIP.

Also, the INDICATIC AIP was also part of the APANAC 2023 pre-congress called BRIGHT: "Building research infrastructure oriented to high-tech advancement: space, digital and ecosystems. Italian perspectives", held at the Dome of the University of Panama on September 25. In this prelude event INDICATIC AIP managed future research and cooperation alliances by promoting the importance of technology in the scientific industry.

APANAC 2023 was organized by the Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC) and the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation (Senacyt).


The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies AIP is a public interest association whose vision is to become a national and international center of excellence and a reference for the Latin American region in generating ICT technology.

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