Panama May 24, 2023 . The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies (INDICATIC AIP) in collaboration with the Instituto Superior Especializado (ITSE) and the Centro de Investigación e Innovación Educativa, Ciencia y Tecnología (CIIECYT), held the seminar "Intelligent data management in connected environments", with the purpose of introducing the use of the OpenCEMS platform to Panamanian students of the ITSE.

Dr. Noemí Guerra, director of the school of digital innovation of ITSE said that technology issues are a fundamental part of our future, "in this modern world we need to be aware of the latest technological trends and learn how to use them effectively". said Guerra.

For his part, the director of INDICATIC AIP said that data management is important and requires the implementation of advanced technologies such as connected environments and digital systems. "From INDICATIC AIP we are working to promote the use of technological and digital tools in Panama," said Dr.

During the seminar, OpenCEMS, an open platform for data management and analysis, was presented. OpenCEMS can be applied in different areas and contexts, however, its most concrete use is in the design of connected environments and the analysis of their generated or simulated data.

Some of the functionalities of OpenCEMS range from data pre-processing to post-processing, facilitating the representation and management of data from the different components of a connected environment by defining the interactions between them. This allows simulating data with respect to various parameters such as the contextualization of data collected from connected devices.

"Automating the lifecycle of data management projects is a challenge that has attracted the interest of both academic researchers and industrial companies. As a result, several commercial and academic tools have been proposed for use in a wide range of contexts. However, when it comes to data generated from connected environments (e.g. smart homes, cities), data acquisition and management becomes more complex and highly dependent on the environmental context, making traditional tools less efficient and appropriate," added Dr. Richard Chbeir, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the Bayonne University Institute of Technology (IUT) in Anglet (France) and a speaker at the event.

The seminar was attended by Dr. Philippe Aniorte, director of Indicatic AIP; Dr. Noemí Guerra, director of the school of digital innovation of ITSE; Dr. Richard Chbeir, full professor of the Department of Computer Science of IUT and president of the French Chapter ACM SIGAPP; Dr. Inés Sitton, member of CIIECYT; Dr. Carolina Martínez of the Provincial University of Córdoba Argentina, students of the school of digital innovation and special guests.

The National Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Information and Communication Technologies AIP is a public interest association whose vision is to become a national and international center of excellence and a reference for the Latin American region in generating ICT technology.

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